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Baby Bump and the Beach

June 23, 2021

Hi Friends,

It’s been a while. Life has been busy with school ending, summer activities and just work in general. I’ve been going on some adventures and well I figured I’d share a bit with you. Plus it has to do with photography and well it seems fitting to share some behind the scenes of what goes on in my head and on shoots sometimes.

I celebrated my 35th birthday back in May and well when asked what I wanted to do, I simply said take some time away, at the beach with some friends and do something creative. So I booked and AirBNB talked to some friends and we planned the trip. One of best friends was down for the trip because well, she’s pregnant and about to welcome a new baby into the world, so why not take some kid free time away.

First off let me say this… if you’re a photographer, or a creative person in general, find friends who you can go to and say… “I have this idea” and before you even tell them what it is, they say “I’m in!” Nina is one of those friends.

We had talked a few times before about when and where to do her maternity photos but when the idea of a beach trip came into play… we knew that’s where we were going to do them.

I had seen this GORGEOUS maternity session done by a mentor of mine with this over the top robe and I immediately thought, I want to do this but at the beach! I do a lot of water sessions where my clients get in the water so I couldn’t really buy this silk, feathered, 150 dollar robe and put it in the water. I needed to find something lighter and easy to clean. So after some digging on Amazon, talking with Nina and booking the trip… we set out to make my vision come to life.

Now let me say this… when you work out in nature… it never cooperates. The weather for our trip was awful. Don’t get me wrong, we all had fun and made the best of it but in terms of taking pictures… it was not the ideal sunset skies on the beach that we were hoping for. Regardless we set out to Mustang Island in Corpus Christi on a rainy day and hoped for the best. We caught a break in the rain about 2pm and we just went for it. There were people everywhere and the sky was anything but pretty. Thanks to some positioning, the help of our friend Lucy and a little Lightroom magic in post…. we ended up getting the shots we were hoping for.

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Hard to believe that these were at 2pm on a rainy afternoon. And behind the fluff of her skirt is some older man rolling around in the sand. Perspective can change everything sometimes. Well… enjoy some more from the session below!

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  1. Nina says:

    Best girls trip next time there will be more sun!!