the blog

An Introduction and Disclaimer.

February 4, 2021

Well here we are…. again. It’s been a while but, I’ve started getting a ton of request.

“Start a blog” they say. “You’ll do great” they say. Well before I officially start let me give you a bit of a back story an introduction and I guess a disclaimer as well.

I’ve tried this before… not just once but a few times. I’ve enjoyed it, writing is something I like to do, but it’s a struggle for me. See I’m dyslexic and writing, spelling and even grammar are a struggle for me. Putting thoughts into words sometimes makes me feel vulnerable and afraid that what I’m trying to say doesn’t come across right. Most the time I write something out and then it never sees the light of day because I worry about things like if I’ve missed punctuation, did I spell the wrong word and it auto correct to something totally different then what I mean, is my writing just really one long run on sentence (like this one). It’s a struggle. The anxiety is real. The thing is often I write like I talk. It’s a reflection of my brain and I guess putting it out there for the world to read and see can be scary. I often think what if I come across as stupid and then why would anyone really want to hear what I have to say. Yet here I am… cause well some of you have asked (and continually encouraged) me to get back to it.

For those of you who may have stumbled across this, or are new here let me tell you a bit about myself. My name is Debby. I’m a wife and mother of three littles that are 7,6,5 (yes it’s as exhausting as it sounds at times.) a coffee and F.R.I.E.N.D.S fanatic and I’m a photographer here at HillsCreativeCo. Sometimes I like to refer to myself as a creative soul because even though I’ve done photography the longest I do A LOT of other creative things. I currently work part time as a social media manager and a graphic designer for a church nearby. On my off time I’m either reading a David Baldachi book, exploring a local trail or national park or redoing a room in our new house. We spend Saturday’s at the Farmers Market or the local waterpark in the summer and well life is never boring.

So here we are. That’s a little bit about me. I don’t think it’s all that exciting, in fact some of it is a little embarrassing, but what is the point in sharing one’s world if the sharer isn’t transparent. I mean who really wants to hear from someone who is faking it? So in all honesty I can’t guarantee that my grammar and spelling will be right (I’m sure you’ve already found some typos) or even that the words I string together will make sense. I can’t even promise that all my blogs will follow a certain theme or be cohesive. I’ll probably be a little bit all over the place most of the time but if you’re down for blogs about nothing and everything with a dash of coffee thrown in then hey… lets be F.R.I.E.N.D.S!


P.S. Mom if you’re the only one reading these… Thanks 😉

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  1. Nina says:

    I’m so excited for this!

  2. Annette says:

    looking forward to this blog!

  3. Vicki says:

    This is mom and I’m smiling and chuckling a little at my tremendously creative daughter whose world is spinning with ideas and accomplishments. Looking forward to your posts!❤️

  4. Lillian Turner says:

    This is the other mom and I’m smiling too and very proud of you and your creativity and all you accomplish!!

  5. Robin says:

    Let’s Goooooooooo!!!!!!